Friday, February 8, 2013

Let Love Be The Change

I think beyond all else in this world my heart yearns un-waveringly for another……. The one that knows you better than you do yourself, the partner who stands at your back, their presence an able reminder that you are loved and supported. The face you wake to in the early hours of the morning sleeping dreamily beside you and the sight of their face at peace in dream makes your heart skip a beat. The person you call when something exciting happens, the friend that recognizes the glint of humor in your eye and understands every private joke you snigger at in life. The one you share your existence with and ride the ever continuous waves of life, side by side. Not to own or possess as a trophy, or to control as a child….but to love as an equal, respect as a human being and most of all to surrender to in complete trust because this one and only has done all this and more to be with you and only you…… True love.

The journey life has taken me on in search of this ONE has seen me bruised and battered, triumphant and exhilarated….and now….at peace to wait for the miracle I know I deserve. For me, after the journey life has taken me on in search of this ONE I know when you find this sort of love it is not something to be disrespected, judged or dismissed……no matter who this love is for – true love is such a rare find…… it should be treated as nothing less than you would treat a sunset magickally harnessed into the palm of your hand.

People find this sort of love every day, like me – women in search of a beautiful man will find their love. Men in search of a devoted woman will find their heart. Women in search of an ecstatic loving experience with another woman will find their place in relationships and men in search of a kindred spirit will find the one they have been dreaming of since they first knew how to love. LOVE is all…..LOVE is wonderful….. LOVE is non-judgmental and it will grace us all in its own beautiful way in its own beautiful time and of that we have absolutely no control. Our job is nothing more than to thrust ourselves wholeheartedly into each loving experience that feels right for us in each wonderful moment of life.

The world is currently confronted with the debate on GAY MARRIAGE, and opinions fly, religions are at war, society is throwing judgement and so man y of us do not even care….but there are those of us like myself who care…..A LOT. Those of us who love LOVE and believe it is a gift for all, and however you wish to express your love to the one who shares your heart should not be judged by anyone, religious, political or otherwise. The concept that Gay Marriage is not legal is simply proof that the bottom line of marriage in today’s day and age is that it IS NOT about love. Love see’s all….love LOVES all……LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. And if this is truly what marriage was about……LOVE……it would not be segregated to being appropriate for only those of us who choose to be in a heterosexual relationship.

Marriage for centuries was about the amalgamation of assets and riches, the binding of one tribe to another for the benefit of alliances in war, a means of acquiring riches via dowries in exchange for women…..essentially it has been anything but a loving consolidation between two people. Over time it has grown into something we deem as more acceptable in parts……There are heterosexual couples that marry every day before their families, in joy about taking a step towards making a life together….and it is seen as so beautiful……AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL. But in a world where we can cure sickness, we can manifest greatness, we can see past a persons’ skin colour, religion or political agenda to the core of WHO THEY ARE and still respect one another have we not grown into a space where we can let one another love freely…..and bind that love openly without hatred.

Let love happen and celebrate the beauty of the absolute gift that it is to have climbed every mountain, chased every demon, picked yourself up bruised and bloodied within and soldiered your way to happiness within. To have been blessed to come through the journey of heartache to stumble your precious heart upon another whom you wish to share your life with……how….beyond all reason HOW IS THIS NOT SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE! No matter whether it is a man for a man….a woman for a woman or a man for a woman…….LOVE IS ENDLESS and love is MAGICKAL. The binding of two souls should be seen as nothing less than SACRED. SO LET IT BE and rejoice in LOVE in all ways, shapes, sizes and freedoms.

For those of us who are lucky enough to have found true love.....let them LOVE, for I know when my time comes to be completely and utterly in love with the man of my dreams I will not want anything to dim the light that it shines upon the world, and why should my love be any more or any less important simply because I choose to love someone of the opposite sex. There is no place for discrimination in this world. Its time to let love be the change.... :)