Friday, January 29, 2016

Faerie Love

“If you love a flower don’t pick it…because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation” ~OSHO

Faerie love is unlike that of the modern day average human love….within its layers and colours you will find freedom, breath and insight into a world of wonder and magick. Faeries live and breathe love. Anger, hate, greed, jealousy and so forth are concepts that they will not tolerate or take part in. They operate from love.

For many generations Faeries have taken humans as lovers, In ancient Scottish Folklore Leanan sĂ­dhe was said to offer inspiration in exchange for their love and affection, The Gwragedd Annwn; the Welsh, faerie women, are believed to be responsible for a huge majority of the faerie descendants that exist today as they had a particular favour for human lovers. 

Most folklore shares the fiasco involved in the merging of human heart and faerie heart….for centuries it has been spoken of faeries luring men to their deaths, kidnapping human lovers to run away to the land of faerie where time had no meaning, stolen kisses and trails of broken hearts in their wake.

All in all from the abundance of faerie tales told to me since my childhood integrating into the information I have learned through working with faerie in my adult years and discovering my own faerie soul incarnation in this life; I have come to the conclusion that the fiasco and imminent heartache in a human and faerie love affair resides in human beings trying to mould faerie love into something it is not.


When you find a faerie soul you will know by the way the light dances in her eyes, her feet may be bare upon the earth but there is no ground for this waif like soul. 

This person may have all things human and play the game of humanness so well…..but there will be no hiding the revel of pleasure that awakens in this soul at the sight of the stars. Like Peter Pan, no number of years could change this childlike soul and their sense of adventure is wild a free…….

Faeries give, faeries dance, faeries play and laugh and sing. Faeries are the furthest things from Angels so don't expect angelic behaviour. She will be a challenger and a prankster, but she will also be a creator of colour and a singer of light. You will marvel and you will laugh if you can just release expectations and enjoy the adventure. The contrasts within this one little being are almost unbearable.  

Enjoy it.


“She would rather be magickal to you than belong to you”

Faeries enjoy excitement, love in its simplest form and most of all their need of freedom is deep rooted into their DNA. This does not mean a faerie soul cannot commit to one person, au contraire, A faerie when left to dance in the freedom and the whims of her heart can love you with the deepness and vastness of the ocean, but within that love she needs to know that her heart can open and explore without hesitation. This does not always mean polyamory, in fact some faeries are extremely monogomous and find their freedom in life experience and creative pursuits. Whatever it is you need to be willing to allow that. If you allow her to be, you will find the beauty in freedom in love as she pushes you into your own space to fly and create and dream..... 

You will need to let go of all that you have ever believed of love and surrender to the magick of Faerie. Know the difference between 'attachment' and 'love'.....faeries are very rarely 'attached' to anything but where there is love and light they will play and create and if you are willing to flow with it you may just find your own inner faerie workings crawling to the surface and creating...... she will cheer you on as it surfaces and you'll both celebrate as the adventures unfold....

Don’t complicate things.

Humans tend to categorise and reason, for a faerie soul this ruins the sanctity of love, the ultimate freedom boxed and shelved and labelled. Its heartbreaking. Let it be.

If you are blessed enough to have the affection of a faerie soul let her take you on the wind, let her feed your senses as well as your body, let her show you the profundity of your own spirit, let her open you to the wonders of nature that once evaded you. In the stillness let her show you that you are safe to just BE. 

A Faerie will be where the fire in her belly takes her, if it is with you; realise how lucky you are to behold this. It is not a blessing bestowed upon every person. Recognise that.

She may not be yours forever….alternatively she may choose to love you for a lifetime and more…… like any being that lives closely with mother nature, know that faeries will run with the cycles and follow the soft pull of the breeze, if it leads her heart to you she will be with you, if you can run with her you may follow. You will have to let go of time and space while you are with this soul…..whether its right now or until the end of time, faerie love does not have a timeline and you can not control her or box her into the categories you have built to make reason of relationships in the human dating world, she will run.

Whether its forever or a day; either way your time with her will break down walls and switch on a beacon of light within to illuminate the shadows you once cowered from in horror. She will show you the beauty in self acceptance, darkness and light, and the ground shaking wonder that is in simplifying your definition of love.


Sexually Faeries are playful. As always in daily life and in every moment of faerie existence; EVERY THING YOU DO MUST BE DONE WITH LOVE. If a faerie feels coldness, a lack of integrity or manipulation she will be gone. Faeries don’t do well with ‘ownership’ and quite often, the bedroom is a place that this will surface, resist the urge to posses her, you never will, share in the moment with her and be open to the magick that IS in the time you are gifting to one another. Honour her and she will honour you, Worship her and she will worship you. Surrender to her in the special moments and she will surrender to you. 

Faeries are incredibly loving and sexual beings. Don't abuse that or you will lose. Sex and love come hand in hand with Faeries, so if you are wanting something purely physical be honest about that and let her laugh at the lies that you tell yourself as she walks out the'll see in time that sex and love come hand in hand with us all.


She will love you fiercely, whether its in a moment or in a lifetime. This may make you uncomfortable but she will laugh at you for that too, she will see right through the facade you have masked to the world to hide the part of you that desires love the most. She will make you question yourself and grow in more ways than you ever thought possible. She will excite you and infuriate you beyond words but with the sours comes the sweets as she will reassure you and hold space for you as you work your way out of the beliefs and boundaries of human love and open your heart to the endless possibilities and boundless adventures within that come from learning to surrender to faerie love.

You will want to secure her, but know that you will never own a Faerie, you just get to love her as she loves you - without condition or reason. Let her magick you into a new way of being, let her mezmerise you into believing, let her enchant you into knowing that all of the humanness you have built around love is an illusion. 

EVERYONE has the ability to love as the faeries do. 

Love is LOVE. 

Faerie love is human love without the conditions. 

Let that resonate.....

Now let her take you to the moon and back.......
