Sunday, July 29, 2012

Not all who wander are lost.....

Not all who wander are lost….. This is probably one of my favourite sayings by an amazing writer, an author of one of the greatest tales ever known to man ‘The Lord of The Rings’ by JRR Tolkien. It has been a phrase to keep solidarity within me in moments of my life where I have compared my free spirit to the homebound soul, the comfortable housewife or the dedicated career person. At times in life I have stood next to these ‘pillar people’ and felt inferior. Why could I not settle into a career straight out of school, finish university or marry my high school sweet heart? Because I wander about wonder….

I see so many loved ones in my life, like me, thinking they are lost because they cannot ‘settle’, their view is that they need to find a ‘life path’ or a ‘definition of self’ to justify their existence and that somehow it will make them happy….a view point I cannot judge as it is one that I come face to face with over and over in life. But bringing myself to the centre of my heart and realising that maybe….just maybe I AM living my dream by simply being a good friend, a dedicated mother and a committed free spirit….maybe my existence is justified in that alone.

 Seeking personal definition within another person….or a career or a university degree is not a necessity…..who you are is here….now…. in those blank moments of day dream in the afternoon sun, or the goose-bumps of awe you feel when listening to your favourite music, that moment of sleepy clarity that comes in the limbo between awake and asleep….there YOU are…..nothing more and nothing less and why do you need anything more to be happy?

Now this does not suggest you should sit back and do nothing with life - to seek is to stay in touch with the magick in life, to seek is to find beauty, to seek is to discover adventure…..and that is blessed….. and I think sometimes – especially for people like me – to seek leads me to unveil that place of solace within that comes from wandering – I am not lost…..I am not inferior….. I am a gypsy soul in search of the magick in this universe that lights my soul day after day after day.  And so life brings me experience after experience to show me mirrors of myself and time after time I have been freed by the experience of life and the way that it has shown me who I am and how beautiful the colours of my heart do meld into the colours of the universe around me…..I have learnt  to love everyone and everything with the experience of adventure as the wisdom in my stride.

Do not define yourself by anything other than your own heart and soul, your job does not make you a better person – your open heart does, the amount of money in your bank account does not make you rich-your spirit does, your relationship does not make you stable-your connection to the world around you does…..You are what is within…..and the rest is just the costume you wear to the party. So enjoy the show, dance and be merry in your capes and masks but know that the realness of your humanness is within the veils of what you put to the world and it is as beautiful as you wish it to be.

To star gaze…..

To dream….

To sing with my eyes closed and let my voice raise my skin in tingles of light and love….

To wander….and never be lost for I know that I am always where I belong…….within the colours of my own heart…..

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