Saturday, November 2, 2013

Let it rain........

“Let it go” …’s a phrase I use regularly in what I write…in what I sing… the way that I live…..It brings me freedom from so much, and sets free so much that unnecessarily burdens my soul……but as fate would have it my beliefs were to be challenged this week when my car “Grandpa” (yes he is very old and on  his last legs – hence the name) opted to overheat in the new summer slowly blessing Western Australia….I pulled over, decided to let the engine cool before replenishing his water and headed off to a coffee shop up the street to replenish my caffeine while I waited.

I walked in, ordered my usual Soy Latte and stepped back to wait while the Barista worked her magick. As I scouted my eyes through the cafĂ© my eyes fell upon a face that made it feel like every ounce of blood in my body had gushed from my feet into the ground, my heart nearly exploded in panic and I found myself melting out the door backwards and running for the shelter of my car where I cried an ocean……

The face was that belonging to the mother of my first boyfriend. He was a mentally ill mind with a tortured soul, lost, angry….and so physically abusive I feared for my life on a daily basis…….she….well, she would hold frozen peas to my freshly punched eye socket and tell me to cry quietly so I didn’t “make him angry….or he’ll just do it again…..hush now love”

….and there she was……drinking espresso and laughing with a girlfriend.

Playing victim to the domestic violence I faced in my relationship with him is something I have always chosen NOT to do. I survived where so many women don’t, I set myself free where so many women can’t, I lived a life afterwards that so many women may not have had the pleasure to be blessed with…..I was one of the lucky ones and  Lord knows I have faced my demons, forgiving him….forgiving myself….letting go….. And after almost 13 years since I laid eyes on either of them I thought these demons vanquished, buried……

Yet I sat in my car curled in a ball feeling as frightened…..broken….and worthless as the day I sat curled in a ball at the bottom of the shower watching blood pool from my face into colourful little waves around my feet…..

The whole experience has had me reeling this week with the new concept that when it comes to some things that happen to us in life… there really a way to ‘LET GO’ ???

I know the old truth once delivered to me on every blow from his hate filled hands planted itself in a dark part of my heart still broken by what I lived….and it speaks ”You’re not worthy of love” ….this truth lies dormant beneath the surface of me….and in moments when I am confronted with a situation that whispers it into reality, rejection, alienation, abandonment, anger, confusion……. I break…over and over again……

But in recent years, after many moons of chasing down my demons, meditating through forgiveness, dancing my anger into a fire, hypnotherapy, counselling, play, laughter, writing, music, crying tears onto the muddy earth surrounded by Aboriginal Elders that know me and LOVE me and show me that without the rain the mother can’t grow, so “let it rain”

…..I let it rain….

Now when faced with that old truth "I'm not worthy of love" part of my soul will argue….”NO! I AM WORTHY OF LOVE”

….sometimes this argument is a raging warrior….and she will fight tooth, nail, blood, sweat and tears to prove that truth wrong….in every way…..

….other days the fight is but a whimper…..

Regardless there is always an argument…..where many years ago there was not.

*   *   *

Maybe with the larger…more intense happenings of life……letting go is but a wish…… maybe it’s more a journey to find peace with the mark that it has left you with….to find the warrior (or the whimper) within that argues……

Maybe heartbreak is a chink in your armour….you learn to manoeuvre around it and become skilled at guarding that weakness…..and for the right people you will bear it with pride and share the tale of your survival….

Maybe heart break is the darker colours in the picture you paint in life…..the flaw….the smudge…..that somehow gives it character… makes it known this picture was made by hand, with love… an expert amateur….and we all are…..

Maybe heartbreak is the wound with a story that will link you to others and their scars….their tales and journeys….. Maybe heartbreak is better shared…….

At the end of it all I just need to keep believing
am worthy of loving…..

....chinks in my armour, smudges on my canvas, bared wounds, whimpers, warriors, stories shared under moonlight…’s all part of the masterpiece of who I am…..who you are……and it is all worthy of love….. maybe when all else falls away that is why we are faced with demons and old reminders to bleed old wounds… teach us to fight for ourselves, to love and nurture the pain, to stand by what we hold true in the highest part of ourselves….

Whatever still haunts you…..whatever breaks you over and over again….whatever drives you to fight, whimper, cry or bleed…….You are worthy of love..…ALL OF YOU……Don’t ever let that go….let it rain instead.....let it water the earth of your soul and create new growth....and every time it bubbles up and over.....let it rain again and again....... let it create life every time.....

Let it rain....

If you are a victim of domestic violence or need support in dealing with any experience relating to the issue please contact Relationships Australia for expert help, advice and boundless resources. <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Live and Let Live.

I use Grammarly's grammar check because grammar is the difference between "Lets eat people! ....and Lets eat, people!" No body wants to be a canible because they lack a comma, its 'COMMAnsense' really... :)


The weight of the world on our shoulders is one that we carry by choice. There is freedom. But how do we get it?

In a world where so many people throw expectations and judgement our way; doing ‘wrong by us’  to place us in a stance of being a victim, or holding our wrong doing over our heads to make us feel we have no other choice but to punish ourselves.

We all buy into the old conditioning that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, and it is in this truth that we are lead to believe that we deserve the pain we get….and by the pain we cause (however intentional or unintentional that may be) we are instantly doomed by KARMA.

I can understand how this mentality is comforting to those who may have been burgled, or raped, to the family’s left behind when someone has been tragically killed or murdered, the belief that ‘what goes around comes around’ and I do believe that energetically when something that intense is put out into the universe there is, without a doubt, an energy that will be returned in time.

….But in the everyday actions of life, relationship break ups, personal disagreements and misunderstandings. I feel it is a dangerous belief to be tied to and it seems to curse us more than bringing peace to a troubled heart. I am finding personally and seeing all around me that this fixation with 'Karma' is just another way of us holding on to negative experience and bringing it to life over and over again.

I have recently been inspired by the thought that life…..HAPPENS….. We are all doing the best we can with what we have, and with that comes conflicts of interest, it is the way things are. The reasoning behind this is to ‘stir it up’, so to speak.

I know from personal experience that some of the most painful things to happen to me in life have been the greatest gift, my ‘treasure chest’ of learning experience found in the rubble or heartbreak, and within that treasure chest, right at the bottom…is peace…..understanding…..and it all has more to do with what is going on WITHIN me over what is going on outside of me.

I believe in the powers of manifestation. There are demons within each of us that want to be heard, they will rear their ugly heads in any way shape and form they can until you face them head on and hear their voice. These demons will manifest situations to bring themselves to the surface over and over again until in the throes of grief over another destructive relationship break up you see the demon that birthed itself from child abuse that just wants to cry, in the anger of yet another betrayal from a friend; you see the demon that birthed itself from abandonment you experienced as a baby, that just wants to be loved.

Eckhart Tolle speaks of the bad reactions humans have towards uncomfortable situations being triggered by ‘old pain’. We all have it….we all carry it….we all bare it like the weight of the world on our shoulders and believe that Karmicly it is there because we were bad….or we hold it over another because we believe we were good and they were bad. The weight gets heavier with each encounter and the anger, the ego, the attachment, the pain….grows and grows….AND GROWS……

So how do we combat it?

This recipe is one that will be different for everyone, but for me it is to Nurture, Grieve, Create and then Detach.

When confronted by a ‘sticky situation’ I do my best with what I have and once I feel the pull I get away from it. Generally when arguments start to go round in circles and ‘being heard’ is no longer on the table, generally as I start to dive head first into 'victim stance' or 'defence mode' ..... this is when I start to feel drained, depressed, muted by anger or any of the above; it is here that I push the world away and retreat to my place of safety. I fill my fridge with glorious foods and burn incense and sink lovingly into a cave of protection where I can control what comes in and what goes out. Solace. Peace. Nurturing.

I grieve, I honour my emotions and let them flow out of me like a river, suicidal tendencies, anger, depression, loneliness….just let it out, DO NOT judge what you feel here, just scream, cry, do whatever it takes to bring it up and let it out. It is in this stage that sometimes I will reach out to a trusted friend if I can’t bare the weight on my own, but ultimately this stage is about being comfortable with your own grief and being able to face your demons as best you can. Be brave. Love all of it. Honour all of you and just know you are loved no matter what.

This is where from the ashes, with eyes reddened by tears and a heart weak with soreness;  you stand up and find the ability to create something beautiful out of it. For me I write letters and throw them into the sea or burn them over a candle, I play my guitar and spill words onto paper and sing my hearts desires onto the wind. I switch off the lights and play my favourite music and I dance till my feet ache and my heart is bursting…..until I sleep again……breath finds me here.....self love feels me here.....this is the part where i feel I touch the center of my soul and find the gratitude for ALL situations be they bad, good or otherwise.....Creation is magick in its purest form. :)

This is the challenge – to detach……it is all too easy when you have been ‘wrong done by’ to hold that fire poker and thrust it towards whoever hurt you…..but do you realise that you hold that fire poker by the hot end?….the pain you want to force upon another with blame, shame and hate – is only burning your own soul to ashes…… There are lessons here in the reflection of you that this person is baring to you. There is old pain wanting to be acknowledged and demons you need to face to be free. Take the opportunity to get on with it…..stand in the fire with it....and when you are done LOVE IT as the darkest part of who you are and then let it go.

Alternatively if you have been the person who made the mistake, and you have sat in the darkness taking on board every hateful thing being said about you and signing the spiritual agreement that brings it into your truth and makes it your ‘KARMIC DEBT’ to the world… do not even know the positive change that can come from your blunders…..from your humanness, people make mistakes, it is how we are…it is life…we have no knowing of the reasons why it happens but I believe there is a natural order to things and all we can do is trust……let it happen, take the love and the lesson, say sorry if you feel the need, but don't hold it to yourself, breathe, love, forgive yourself…..and then let it go.

Follow the path of your own heart – it will lead you to every place and every person you need to experience. If you stumble, Nurture, Grieve, Create, Detach and MOVE ON. You are not being punished… are not doomed. You are living; and as long as that ‘living’ is being done to the best of your ability; with the best intention that you have; sharing the gifts that you wish to share……there is no wrong. Just be YOU. It is all just experience. How other people choose to perceive you is simply a mirror of facets of their own self…their ‘old pain’ and that is their path to healing being awakened by you. And realize that when people rub you up the wrong way it is an opportunity for self realization and ascending from the depths of your past hurts to the heights of your future self. Let it happen.

Freedom is just around the corner, past the blame, shame, self-hatred, old conditioning and isolation. There in the distance on the road you are walking now, is the place of acceptance, forgiveness, happiness and freedom for all beings that walk this path with you. All you need to do to get there is ‘Live and let live’ ….now who would have thought it was so simple…. ;)


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

School Holiday FUN in the sun....

School holidays are here with a vengeance……its winter which would generally limit the options of activities available to children to being stuck in four walls, forgetting about their inside voices and causing parents to suffer a small aneurysm of self as their stress levels rise……oh hum…… the frustrations of parenthood…..

Yesterday I watched frustrated parents such as these battle with their hyperactive kids in the cinema cues and decided to myself the second I saw sunshine I was taking my little monster out into the wild….and today we were blessed with such sunshine, amongst the winter chill the sun slowly dominated the cloudy sky and within hours it was clear blue and we were ready to walk barefoot to the beach near our home.

Excited to get some sand in our hair and wind between our toes (or maybe the other way around) we tottered off to the water to play….but upon our arrival there I was absolutely stunned by the amount of rubbish littering the sand. Plastic bottles, old goggles, thongs, bits of crates, plastic bags and all sorts of wrappers and netting…..all deadly towards our sea life.

Plastic itself is made from Coal, Oil and Gas…..Fossil Fuels…..essentially its poison…… and there are countless articles at our disposal to know the effects that this kind of litter has on our ecosystem. We are not new to what litter is doing to our planet and I know from personal experience that being a ‘litter bug’ is a wrong doing that has been drummed into me since childhood….it’s just not socially acceptable in our culture….but it happens.

One thing that I have learned from working with the Eco Faeries for near to 5 years now is that there is no point in resisting the problem and drawing attention to what is wrong in life……Eco Faeries move in a positive wave, we lead by example and become part of the solution….in the words of John Lennon “Be the change you want to see in the world".

And so I grabbed two plastic bags I found stuck in amongst the plants in the dunes and I taught my daughter how to ‘be the change’….we filled those bags to the brim, and I educated her on what things were as we went, what could be recycled, the effects that certain things may have on the sea life, how nets could trap fish and drown them… bags could fill a sea turtles stomach and it would starve to death, how plastic was non-compostable and that it would float in the sea for millions of years if we didn’t pick it up and recycle it, not the mention how much prettier the beach is when it is not lettered with crap…. It even turned into an educational session on safe sex as we used a stick to manoeuvre a used condom into my bag….. YUK! We made a game out of it seeing who could spot something first, guess what it was and if it was recyclable or non recyclable.....

We carried all that we could up to the bins, separated them into recyclables and non-recyclables (except for the condom…that was launched well into the bottom of the bin……..eeeew) and we walked away knowing we had done some good that day. I had educated my child, we had gotten some sun and fresh air, and the beach was CLEAN giving our wildlife a better chance at life. As we walked up the driveway and into the house to wash our hands my little one actually skipped along laughing “mummy can we save the world some more tomorrow….I wanna do that AGAIN!!!”

So if you are looking for a good educational activity to do with your children this school holidays…its absolutely free….it is good for your soul… is good for the planet….create some quality time with your kids, grab some bags and go to your local park or beach and pick up rubbish!!!!

Be the change….and have fun doing it! J


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Creative Expression :)

Sometimes we need to go the dark places inside that scare us. To the place where you tuck your insecurities away to fester, to the place where anger slowly boils your soul, to the pitch black nothingness that voids you blind to the light outside....and in that darkness sometimes there is a way to be free.

Sometimes the freedom comes from expressing what is in that dark place in a way that can only be understood by the heart and soul...... ART......

ART is EXPRESSION of your deepest self. It is not limited to drawing finely sketched portraits, perfectly blended water colours on is your soul....BARED and OPEN and it will surface how it sees that be through or walking barefoot on the bare earth.....LET IT OUT! ...and always be open to trying new ways to do so....

Being a writer I express by scrawling words across hand bound books, being a musician I pluck my guitar and hum to the sunshine, being a dancer I let music sway my body...I leap...I reach and I crumble.....but I always limited myself to my comfort zone of self expression, until I met the wondrous and open soul'd Luke Be...... 

He ran a free creative expression workshop for his blessed group 'Creative Expressionismsesmmmms' in it he opened the doorway for me to experience myself in the world of visual art. Partnered perfectly with laughter yoga exercises to release endorphins and a small group of beautifully open people we went on a journey to self through colours and we saw ourselves, what we would change, how to accept what was within, how to manifest our dreams and most of all how to express who we were inside the skin we wear, however thick or thin that skin is...he showed me that we all have a pallet of colours within that just wants to create beauty.

As children we create without question, we draw pictures in the sand and decorate it with shells and seaweed...we stamp on it and start again.....we create love in everything that we do 'JUST BECAUSE' and as life moves on, we grow older, we grow 'wiser' and we stop creating that love....WHY?! It doesn't have to be this way.....

In 'Women Who Run With The Wolves' Clarissa speaks of how people have adopted a jaded view of wildness...the word 'wild' itself has changed from its original form of 'that which is in touch with nature and its surroundings' to something that is 'out of control and problematic' ...... with the change of perception that our wild self is only going to cause trouble for us...we bottle it up...and suffocate the self that creates....the self that leaps and reaches and crumbles....the self that finger paints water onto hot pavement.....the self that craves colour and movement.....the wild self....

Luke and his creative expression workshops opened up a world of colour for me. He guided me into the part of myself that sees my art as MY ART.....that just because my picture may not be 'legible' it does not mean it is not is an expression of what I hold within...its an expression of my wild self......and that in itself is beauty. He shared with me his world of self expression and the journey he had been through to find the candle he holds to his art...and why he wants so beautifully to light the candles of others with the flame he holds within.

With my candle lit he sent us out into the trees to find one we could draw.....and from my picture I saw so much more than just a picture of a tree...... From the base of this tree with its roots firmly planted deep into the earth it split into two branches that reached for the sky....and those two branches split into 4 branches...and those 4 branches split into 12 branches.....and as my vision took me up to the sky there were hundreds of leaves and branches swaying calmly in the breeze, playing with the suns rays.....Like us as humans, the tree is grounded on this earth, and as time goes on we grow, life experience creates more to us, each branch a new part of our self that grows with the ages, all adding to who we are. And in the end sometimes all we can do is stand connected to the earth and sway calmly in the breeze, play with the suns rays...breathe and create beauty from what we see through the art we hold within. 


Sunday, March 24, 2013

If you want to change the world.....

I cannot take credit for what you are about to read...but what I can do is share with you something that I read recently on facebook that absolutely moved me within....written beautifully by an author unknown but a very wise person none the on and be changed.....

If you want to change the world… love a woman-really love her. 
Find the one who calls to your soul, who doesn’t make sense. 
Throw away your check list and put your ear to her heart and listen. 
Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing - every winged one, every furry and scaled one, every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one, every not yet born and dying one…
Hear their melancholy praises back to the One who gave them life. 
If you haven’t heard your own name yet, you haven’t listened long enough. 
If your eyes aren’t filled with tears, if you aren’t bowing at her feet, you haven’t ever grieved having almost lost her.

If you want to change the world… love a woman-one woman beyond yourself, beyond desire and reason,
beyond your male preferences for youth, beauty and variety and all your superficial concepts of freedom.
We have given ourselves so many choices
we have forgotten that true liberation
comes from standing in the middle of the soul’s fire
and burning through our resistance to Love.
There is only one Goddess.
Look into Her eyes and see-really see
if she is the one to bring the axe to your head.
If not, walk away. Right now.
Don’t waste time “trying.”
Know that your decision has nothing to do with her
because ultimately it’s not with who,
but when we choose to surrender.

If you want to change the world… love a woman.
Love her for life-beyond your fear of death,
beyond your fear of being manipulated
by the Mother inside your head.
Don’t tell her you’re willing to die for her.
Say you’re willing to LIVE with her,
plant trees with her and watch them grow.
Be her hero by telling her how beautiful she is in her vulnerable majesty,
by helping her to remember every day that she IS Goddess
through your adoration and devotion.

If you want to change the world… love a woman
in all her faces, through all her seasons
and she will heal you of your schizophrenia-
your double-mindedness and half-heartedness
which keeps your Spirit and body separate-
which keeps you alone and always looking outside your Self for something to make your life worth living.
There will always be another woman.
Soon the new shiny one will become the old dull one
and you’ll grow restless again, trading in women like cars,
trading in the Goddess for the latest object of your desire.
Man doesn’t need any more choices.
What man needs is Woman, the Way of the Feminine,
of Patience and Compassion, non-seeking, non-doing,
of breathing in one place and sinking deep intertwining roots strong enough to hold the Earth together
while she shakes off the cement and steel from her skin.

If you want to change the world… love a woman, just one woman. Love and protect her as if she is the last holy vessel. Love her through her fear of abandonment
which she has been holding for all of humanity.
No, the wound is not hers to heal alone.
No, she is not weak in her codependence.
If you want to change the world… love a woman
all the way through until she believes you,
until her instincts, her visions, her voice, her art, her passion, her wildness have returned to her-
until she is a force of love more powerful
than all the political media demons who seek to devalue and destroy her.

If you want to change the world,
lay down your causes, your guns and protest signs.
Lay down your inner war, your righteous anger
and love a woman…beyond all of your striving for greatness, beyond your tenacious quest for enlightenment.
The holy grail stands before you
if you would only take her in your arms
and let go of searching for something beyond this intimacy. What if peace is a dream which can only be remembered through the heart of Woman?
What if a man’s love for Woman, the Way of the Feminine
is the key to opening Her heart?
If you want to change the world…love a woman
to the depths of your shadow,
to the highest reaches of your Being,
back to the Garden where you first met her,
to the gateway of the rainbow realm
where you walk through together as Light as One,
to the point of no return,
to the ends and the beginning of a new Earth.


If you want to change the world love a man; really love him
Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly who sees you; who is brave enough to be afraid
Accept his hand and guide him gently to your hearts blood
Where he can feel your warmth upon him and rest there
And burn his heavy load in your fires
Look into his eyes look deep within and see what lies dormant or awake or shy or expectant there
Look into his eyes and see there his fathers and grandfathers and all the wars and madness their spirits fought in some distant land, some distant time

Look upon their pains and struggles and torments and guilt; without judgment
And let it all go
Feel into his ancestral burden
And know that what he seeks is safe refuge in you
Let him melt in your steady gaze
And know that you need not mirror that rage
Because you have a womb, a sweet, deep gateway to wash and renew old wounds

If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Sit before him, in the full majesty of your woman in the breath of your vulnerability
In the play of your child innocence in the depths of your death
Flowering invitation, softly yielding, allowing his power as a man
To step forward towards you…and swim in the Earth’s womb, in silent knowing, together
And when he retreats…because he will…flees in fear to his cave…
Gather your grandmothers around you…envelope in their wisdoms
Hear their gentle shusshhhed whispers, calm your frightened girls’ heart
Urging you to be still…and wait patiently for his return
Sit and sing by his door, a song of remembrance, that he may be soothed, once more

If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Do not coax out his little boy
With guiles and wiles and seduction and trickery
Only to lure him…to a web of destruction
To a place of chaos and hatred
More terrible than any war fought by his brothers
This is not feminine this is revenge
This is the poison of the twisted lines
Of the abuse of the ages, the rape of our world
And this gives no power to woman it reduces her as she cuts off his balls
And it kills us all
And whether his mother held him or could not
Show him the true mother now
Hold him and guide him in your grace and your depth
Smoldering in the center of the Earth’s core
Do not punish him for his wounds that you think don’t meet your needs or criteria
Cry for him sweet rivers
Bleed it all back home

If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Love him enough to be naked and free
Love him enough to open your body and soul to the cycle of birth and of death
And thank him for the opportunity
As you dance together through the raging winds and silent woods
Be brave enough to be fragile and let him drink in the soft, heady petals of your being
Let him know he can hold you stand up and protect you
Fall back into his arms and trust him to catch you
Even if you’ve been dropped a thousand times before
Teach him how to surrender by surrendering yourself
And merge into the sweet nothing, of this worlds’ heart

If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Encourage him, feed him, allow him, hear him, hold him, heal him
And you, in turn, will be nourished and supported and protected
By strong arms and clear thoughts and focused arrows
Because he can, if you let him, be all that you dream

If you want to love a man, love yourself, love your father
Love your brother, your son, your ex-partner; from the first boy you kissed,
To the last one you wept over
Give thanks for the gifts; of your unraveling to this meeting
Of the one who stands before you now
And find in him the seed to all that’s new and solar
A seed that you can feed to help direct the planting
To grow a new world, together


Simply Beautiful <3 <3 <3 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Let Love Be The Change

I think beyond all else in this world my heart yearns un-waveringly for another……. The one that knows you better than you do yourself, the partner who stands at your back, their presence an able reminder that you are loved and supported. The face you wake to in the early hours of the morning sleeping dreamily beside you and the sight of their face at peace in dream makes your heart skip a beat. The person you call when something exciting happens, the friend that recognizes the glint of humor in your eye and understands every private joke you snigger at in life. The one you share your existence with and ride the ever continuous waves of life, side by side. Not to own or possess as a trophy, or to control as a child….but to love as an equal, respect as a human being and most of all to surrender to in complete trust because this one and only has done all this and more to be with you and only you…… True love.

The journey life has taken me on in search of this ONE has seen me bruised and battered, triumphant and exhilarated….and now….at peace to wait for the miracle I know I deserve. For me, after the journey life has taken me on in search of this ONE I know when you find this sort of love it is not something to be disrespected, judged or dismissed……no matter who this love is for – true love is such a rare find…… it should be treated as nothing less than you would treat a sunset magickally harnessed into the palm of your hand.

People find this sort of love every day, like me – women in search of a beautiful man will find their love. Men in search of a devoted woman will find their heart. Women in search of an ecstatic loving experience with another woman will find their place in relationships and men in search of a kindred spirit will find the one they have been dreaming of since they first knew how to love. LOVE is all…..LOVE is wonderful….. LOVE is non-judgmental and it will grace us all in its own beautiful way in its own beautiful time and of that we have absolutely no control. Our job is nothing more than to thrust ourselves wholeheartedly into each loving experience that feels right for us in each wonderful moment of life.

The world is currently confronted with the debate on GAY MARRIAGE, and opinions fly, religions are at war, society is throwing judgement and so man y of us do not even care….but there are those of us like myself who care…..A LOT. Those of us who love LOVE and believe it is a gift for all, and however you wish to express your love to the one who shares your heart should not be judged by anyone, religious, political or otherwise. The concept that Gay Marriage is not legal is simply proof that the bottom line of marriage in today’s day and age is that it IS NOT about love. Love see’s all….love LOVES all……LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. And if this is truly what marriage was about……LOVE……it would not be segregated to being appropriate for only those of us who choose to be in a heterosexual relationship.

Marriage for centuries was about the amalgamation of assets and riches, the binding of one tribe to another for the benefit of alliances in war, a means of acquiring riches via dowries in exchange for women…..essentially it has been anything but a loving consolidation between two people. Over time it has grown into something we deem as more acceptable in parts……There are heterosexual couples that marry every day before their families, in joy about taking a step towards making a life together….and it is seen as so beautiful……AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL. But in a world where we can cure sickness, we can manifest greatness, we can see past a persons’ skin colour, religion or political agenda to the core of WHO THEY ARE and still respect one another have we not grown into a space where we can let one another love freely…..and bind that love openly without hatred.

Let love happen and celebrate the beauty of the absolute gift that it is to have climbed every mountain, chased every demon, picked yourself up bruised and bloodied within and soldiered your way to happiness within. To have been blessed to come through the journey of heartache to stumble your precious heart upon another whom you wish to share your life with……how….beyond all reason HOW IS THIS NOT SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE! No matter whether it is a man for a man….a woman for a woman or a man for a woman…….LOVE IS ENDLESS and love is MAGICKAL. The binding of two souls should be seen as nothing less than SACRED. SO LET IT BE and rejoice in LOVE in all ways, shapes, sizes and freedoms.

For those of us who are lucky enough to have found true love.....let them LOVE, for I know when my time comes to be completely and utterly in love with the man of my dreams I will not want anything to dim the light that it shines upon the world, and why should my love be any more or any less important simply because I choose to love someone of the opposite sex. There is no place for discrimination in this world. Its time to let love be the change.... :)