Saturday, June 23, 2012

......did I mention love.....?

Hahhhhhhhhh love…….the inspiration of the greatest songs known to man, the muse of the poets, the demise of warriors and the poison in power, it is what the world is full of….yet very much what it also lacks. It is both, harsh and kind, painful and beautiful, it can take you to the heights of skies beyond our knowing and then throw you to the depths of the deepest ocean and leave you to drown…….or can it?

I have a belief that there are two things in life that are the basis behind everything we do…. one is love and the other is fear…… love is the potion that takes you to the heights, makes you see the beauty, inspires, creates and flows with the tides of life……..fear is the poison that is harsh, painful, steals your thunder and leaves you broken and stuck within a cage where you wander alone…..

As with all things in nature life must be taken with both the good and the bad – fear is an instinct instilled within our DNA since the days of the cavemen, it is our means of survival, without it we would not have survived the ages, hunted, gathered and lived through stone ages and iron ages to be in the world we are in now… has been a root of our survival. But now in a world of security screens and high tech house alarms, laws, rules and fancy food packaging….I think our caveman instincts now run wild within us and we seek new things to fear. We fear such unreasonable things about life as a result.

Like love – so many people I have met in my life say that they fear ‘love’ and it got me thinking weather it is love that they actually fear. In relationships when pain arises every time without fail the root of the issue is not ‘love’, love is the part that see’s you holding hands, laughing together, smiling and sharing, dancing and flying free….but fear is that part that see’s you blaming, and angry, building walls and running away. Every time there is pain within love it is fear that has been the cause of anguish. So to get more to the root of the issue, it is the fear that we fear….and in the laws of the universe to fight fire with fire it only creates more fire. To counteract our fears we need to defend with the one thing that combats fear wholly and completely – with LOVE.

Don’t fear love…….Love ‘love’ – to do so makes it grow and grow and grow within your life and onwards. There is a beautiful saying I once read that says ‘love like you have never been hurt’  - too many of us focus solely on ‘relationship love’ and not enough on the zillions of other ways that there are to give and receive love in this life. The opportunities are there – EVERYWHERE!!!! You just need to take the step to be a part of it! Show love to the earth; plant vegetables and reduce your household wastage. Show love to your neighbours; pass homemade cupcakes over the fence and have neighbourhood bbq’s. Show love to your family; be affectionate and reminisce of old times that make you smile. Show love to yourself; take yourself on a sunset walk on the beach and treat yourself to a coconut once in a while…. J

A life of love is readily embraced once you realise that love is not something to be feared, your kryptonite for fear is only to love even more and the hero of the day that see’s it all ending with flashes of light, rounds of applause and happy endings is YOU and your precious loving heart, having the courage to LOVE love…..and did I mention LOVE <3 <3 <3 <3 J

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