It is dark……the wind tickles your skin with its cool caress and your senses prickle with the anticipation of why you are standing in this ancient place. It is quiet……you feel part of this sacred clearing in the bushland, surrounded by ghostly white gum trees and stones the colour of tigers eyes….the dirt red…..earthy……blessed.
Then you hear the drum….
“ba-boom…ba-boom….ba-boom….ba-boom”. Like the heartbeat of a dragon it curls up
from the earth…. “ba-boom….ba-boom…” it fills your ears with wonder.
The wind blows stronger now and you waver on your feet, as if to stumble but
you do not move… look down and see from your feet have sprung roots that
pierce our mothers skin…holding you steady, filling you with love as each
dragon heart beat flows up through your body. Deep into the depths of her heart
these roots bond you to mother earths love…… “ba-boom….ba-boom….ba-boom” ……and
the wind is her breath…..
To your left you hear the slow rumbling purr of something
wild and dark. Fear begins to grip you but the slow steady heartbeat growing
through you from the heart of our mother gives you the strength to
surrender….to trust. From the dense ancient bushland on the side of the
clearing slinks a black panther. She is ‘Spirit’….your totem animal, she snarls
as she confronts you……initiating you with her stare….are you brave enough to
behold her? She quickens her step and begins to run towards you and your breath
catches as you stand rooted to the floor……in perfect trust but pulsating with
instinct to fear this wild creature……
Suddenly the earth nearby cracks and the soil begins to
turn as spirit begins to run at you. You stand…..strong……let your fear not waver
your resilient heart… “ba-boom….ba-boom….ba-boom” our mothers heart continues
to beat for you from the depths of the ancient world below.
Spirit stops short, her next step is a breath away from
the cracked earth, the turning soil and as her padded foot touches the broken
skin of the fertile ground a woman springs from the dirt. She flies from the
ground with fire in her eyes and lands astride the panther seeing you – seeing
through you. Her wings are large and bright, the colour of blood in the sunset,
her body is small and earthen, shimmering with magick, her skin is painted by
the ancient ones to tell the story of how she came to be here… with you
standing rooted to the ground of the clearing.
As Spirit slowly reaches you, she stops fast and the Earthen Faerie stands up on the shoulders of her Panther love….she stares you in the eye, a deep “hisssssssssss” escaping her lips upon her cool and ancient breath…..she is wild…….she is wary…..she is wise…..but beneath it all you feel her love for you just as you are…..a being of this world.
She shares with you visions…..
Deep within her cool stare you see her pain, you feel a
knowing, a familiarity as she continues to fill your senses with her
stories……she knows you……because SHE IS YOU………
“Shadow dancer….” She whispers, before looking upwards,
she breaks her wild demeanour for but a second and smiles at you lovingly
before raising her arms to the heavens above and flying off into the black
You look down, spirit still stands before you, strong and
wise….and you feel protected by her….she wishes to take you….to show you the
hunt, to open your heart to the dance of shadow and the clarity that it will
bring you to be free of all your deepest fears….to create your own ancient story
with an ending that sees you wiser….stronger……and experiencing more love than
you ever thought you could behold. You
do not want to leave this place, of mothers breath and loving heartbeat, but
you know that this is a place within you that will remain lit like a candle…..a
beacon of hope to return to in moments of solace……your sacred place, and so you
step….one foot in front of the other and follow Spirit into the dark dense
bushland…….to dance with shadow…….to seek… find……..and to love……….let the
hunt begin……….
Copyright 2012.
"The Way Of The Earth Fae"
Coming soon to a store near you.......
Copyright 2012.
"The Way Of The Earth Fae"
Coming soon to a store near you.......
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