Its new years eve in 2012.....the world was due to end 24 days ago.....or was it 11 days ago....12 days ago???..... maybe it will end later.....whatever the outcome the point is the massive irrelevance of when the world will end. The largest majority of us here have no cast iron underground safety cave to dash to should the ground burst open or a tidal wave unleash its force on us, if the sky should fall in or a comet fire its might out of the sky and shake the earth to smithereens.....what will be will be...and we have absolutely no control over what happens.
Which brings me to my point of this conveniently placed entry, today on the eve of a brand new year in a time where we are no longer bound by the Mayan calendar and a brutal 5000 year history that saw the human race rape and pillage each other and the earth we dwell a time when I feel we are finally free to create a new truth, a new collective consciousness to bury our feet in and feed our we begin again.
There are times you get exactly what you want, there are times you don't get what you want....and sometimes....there are times you get what you never expected, of these three things you have absolutely no control. Some would call it God....others coincidence, fate, hard work, magick...whatever it is what is meant to be will find a way and in that 'truth' NOTHING should ever be taken for granted. There is more than likely a shelf life on most experiences in life and this ridiculous concept that we have that we will 'take care of it tomorrow' has us missing the magick of what is now and the gift it has to grace us with.
Nothing lasts forever, except love. Love is the one thing that is eternal and not even death will dim the light that it brings to a human soul. But experience, relationships, people, and life....ebbs and flows like the tide of the sea and we have no choice but to ebb and flow with it and immerse ourselves wholeheartedly in every opportunity that comes our way.
So if you were to make one new years resolution this to carry with you till your last breath...let it be one that grants yourself the freedom to 'LET GO' stop judging, stop worrying, stop fighting the current of what will be and just throw yourself into the ocean and BE.....Be you....Be free....JUST BE LOVE....
...............and see the stardust that life will bring you......
Happiest of New Years to you all and the very best of Earthen Fae blessings to you all in the amazing new year we have been blessed with.
<3 <3 <3 I LOVE YOU <3 <3 <3
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Laughter is the best medicine....
.....and so my attention has been brought to the subject of LAUGHTER! Over the last few years bursting more and more into the children's entertainment industry I have developed an ability to, without hesitation, be absolutely ridiculous......and have an immensely WONDERFUL time doing so!!! Little by little my soul has slowly opened to life, the judgments that I have bestowed so harshly upon myself and on others have flown with the wind and the acceptance of life and all its ups and downs has become a lot easier to move with. Well how pleasure filled to find that there is actually an epidemic of the heavenly healing exercise .... of 'LAUGHTER YOGA' running rampant through this world, and how utterly thrilled I was to find that all its facilitators are able to back me up on the indescribable healing abilities of silliness, play and laughter.Recently getting a VIP view of a Laughter Yoga information DVD done by Perths 'Angel Kimmy' and her super sidekick (and my soul sister) Olimpia on Laughter Yoga with a group of disabled people I discovered that there is absolutely no denial of the benefits of this fun filled behavior and side splitting cackles, Usually wheel chair bound young men and women were dancing and smiling, previously withdrawn and self conscious souls were open and laughing, completely in love with the experience to BE FREE!
I am blessed to have a wonderful almost 7 year old child that pulls me into 'the now' daily with behavior that forces me to drop the remote and turn away from the demise of the 6 o'clock news and laugh hysterically as a tower of Jenga blocks explodes on the floor. I am blessed to work in a job that requires me to be ridiculous and express myself......but for those of you that don't have a release I would highly recommend locating a Laughter Yoga Club near you and going along for a session, if you don't like it you can walk away and move on....if you do like it......which I KNOW YOU will spread happiness like a 2 year old spreads Vegemite on the table top and shout it like a euphoric drunk.
Laughter Yoga was first founded by an Indian Doctor from Mumbai in 1995 when he started the first laughter club. Laughter clubs have now grown worldwide to around 60 countries and growing ever more. The concept is not only the release of judgement, pulling you out of the stresses of the day by stepping into a bit of nonsense but a sneaky Yogic technique at getting you to breathe!!!! When you BREATH, you release air that is held within and the oxygen flow to the brain and body releases tension, aids the brain in releasing all the good stuff into the body to relax you and as a result the health benefits are UNBELIEVABLE! For those of you that are built like me......unable to sit still for more that 30 seconds without huffing and stomping off to do dishes or climb trees......this is meditation FOR YOU!
So what happens at laughter yoga? Well you play games....and sing songs......then breathe.....then LAUGH and then sometimes you sit in a circle with complete strangers.....and then LAUGH till it hurts your sides....the laughter comes from nothing, 'fake it till you make it' they say and literally force yourself to make laughing noises....but after a few ridiculous faces, one good snort and a bit of silly behavior the laughter flows freely and your group of strangers become like family and friends. IT IS FUN!
For me its the concept of dealing with emotion in a way that I can understand. I am such a feeler, and working in the healing and arts/performance industry as I do, I feel like sometimes I have fine tuned and rather intense emotions for such a little woman, I require a lot of outlets. I write, I make music, I dance, I perform and still there are days when I feel overwhelmed by the pressure of my existence and the responsibility I hold in being who I am, i watch 'Legend of the Fall' and cry into a packet of Macro Organic Cheezles over nothing in particular.......but graced with 'The Indian Ocean Laughter Club' at my door step each Tuesday at 6pm I finally have a new outlet that's not full of palm oil! After the first session I was on an absolute high....that slowly panned out into such a relaxed state that I slept WITHOUT WAKING UP ONCE TO WRITE POETRY OR PEE!!!!!
Since the first session I am already finding my way with laughter as a means of dealing with so many situations. The facilitator of the Club Peter, even shared a story of how he hated traffic so much he decided to laugh while he was stuck on a gridlocked highway. Just the thought of it alone sent me into fits of giggles and I have taken inspiration from this and laughed my way through many a sticky situation. It really does fix EVERYTHING!
So jump on board the laughter train my pretties....come into the light......flail your limbs into stupidity and when all else fails........LAUGH!!!!!!!!!
Lots of fluff EarthyFae :)
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Invitation..... I love to connect deeply with the people in my i yearn for a deeper connection with someone that is not afraid to stand with me in the wild and dance without fear. Of late it seems I have been confronted by many situations that had me reeling through grief and anger...feeling lost and alone.......but then in the chaos a candle shone upon a life lesson I learned long ago.....and I was illuminated by love for how far I have come. It all began with reading 'The Invitation - By Oriah' many years ago.
For so long I skimmed the surface of my heart, denying beautiful and very deep loving aspects of myself and living a life that ate away at my soul. Existing in relationships that made me feel safe, working in jobs that paid my bills, ignoring the creativity within my heart and plodding through days...weeks....months....without stopping to look inside my heart and soul and connect with myself, let alone the world around me.........Finally, race came in the form a this little poem, in a moment of complete and utter grief and despair I saw light.....and so I moved to break free and accept the invitation, to seek a life that was deeper and more meaningful, to live a more inspired existence by stripping off the layers I put to the world and baring my soul, to finally relinquish my cares of judgement and just BE who I am....and all the while knowing that by doing this I was manifesting and attracting situations and people that would help my soul sing its song forever more. THIS was the best decision I ever made and even through the most trying times in life....I am reminded constantly of how amazing it is to be FULLY PRESENT in my all situations - both good and bad....its all life....its all part of a deeper connection that we all share to smile, hurt, scream, dance and dream..... but to experience it strip back the layers and really share this life with those around you.....this is the key to being aware and living life in an open existence. In the beautiful words of Bob Marley - WAKE UP AND LIVE!!!!!
And so my gift to you this an invitation........
.....and I can answer "YES" to everything :)
For so long I skimmed the surface of my heart, denying beautiful and very deep loving aspects of myself and living a life that ate away at my soul. Existing in relationships that made me feel safe, working in jobs that paid my bills, ignoring the creativity within my heart and plodding through days...weeks....months....without stopping to look inside my heart and soul and connect with myself, let alone the world around me.........Finally, race came in the form a this little poem, in a moment of complete and utter grief and despair I saw light.....and so I moved to break free and accept the invitation, to seek a life that was deeper and more meaningful, to live a more inspired existence by stripping off the layers I put to the world and baring my soul, to finally relinquish my cares of judgement and just BE who I am....and all the while knowing that by doing this I was manifesting and attracting situations and people that would help my soul sing its song forever more. THIS was the best decision I ever made and even through the most trying times in life....I am reminded constantly of how amazing it is to be FULLY PRESENT in my all situations - both good and bad....its all life....its all part of a deeper connection that we all share to smile, hurt, scream, dance and dream..... but to experience it strip back the layers and really share this life with those around you.....this is the key to being aware and living life in an open existence. In the beautiful words of Bob Marley - WAKE UP AND LIVE!!!!!
And so my gift to you this an invitation........
-The Invitation-
© 1995 by Oriah
© 1995 by Oriah
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.
.....and I can answer "YES" to everything :)
Love always EarthyFae xxxx
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Ben Okri and the most amazing quote in the world.....
This was sent to me in an email by a dear friend and I was so moved by its beauty. Its just so beautiful and inspiring I had to share it.....
Believe in the fundamental equality of humanity. Link hands with your brothers and sisters across the globe. Link hands with the poor and the disadvantaged and the rich. Don’t look down at anyone and don’t look up at anyone either. You are not better than the poor, nor inferior to the rich. The heritage of the earth is for all of us. Make this world one world, its riches and possibilities available to all.
Do not think for one moment that you are small, that you are powerless, that you have nothing to give, or that you are alone. I have not met a powerless person. You are only small and powerless if you think only of yourself, if you are selfish. The moment you think of humanity, of service to humanity, then you become powerful.
The heart is bigger than the earth. There are few things more noble in this life than serving humanity. If you ever suffer from crises of confidence, from doubt, from fear, from suicidal impulses, from loneliness, from existential despair, that is often because you are living only for yourself, your career, your dreams, your ego, your race, your family, clan or class. But the moment you think of humanity, all humanity, then your own problems become smaller, and then disappear.
We are here on earth to serve humanity, to take the human possibility forward, to create a better world. We are here to grow, to learn, to share our light, our gifts, our love.
There are people who are prepared to die for their limited racial and religious causes. They are a negative inspiration. You should be prepared to be the most wonderful person you are capable of being, and for the best causes, which are the enrichment of humanity, the promotion of equal rights for all, the provision of education, food and good life for the poor and wretched of the earth. This is a greater way to live than even laying down your life for your brother, sister, or your country.
Use all the intelligence, passion, fun, joy, and the blessings of your life to help make the life of all humanity sweeter, and you will not have to worry unduly about the state of your soul or about the meaning of life. If you do this alone, especially in this part of your life when you are young and free, if you give what’s good in you to raising higher the human story as best you can, then your life will be justified, and you will have transcended failure or success.
Open your hearts and minds to the beauties and possibilities of being human. Do not see people’s colour first. Do not see people in their material conditions first. We don’t know who or what a human being really is. Believe me, we are each one a great mystery. The person who dwells in great misery, in the gutter, alone, may well be an angel. The way you judge others––a person or a continent––judges you. And this judgement will bring you either the good or the evil you deserve.
So go out into the world. Transcend all the bullshit that your education, your history, your culture, your class has passed onto you. Learn for yourselves. Find out for yourselves. Question everything. Question the certainties fed you by your mothers and fathers and the great authority figures of your land and your age. Be always a question mark. Seek to know for yourself, so that you may grasp the deeper truths of life with a strong mind. Give of your soul. Feel the life and the suffering and the joys of the world. Feel! Don’t be afraid to feel, or to love, or to fail. So long as you are doing the little best you can to make this ruined world better, you are making good use of the miraculous reality that is your life.
For the rest, have fun. Laugh. Lighten up. Don’t be too serious. Play. Be inspired. Be your true self without being mean to others. And, by God, learn the wonderful art of happiness… How can we enjoy the happiness and growth of others, if we are not happy ourselves? It was Novalis who said: ‘I am you’ – in another form.
Let life inspire you, and teach you always how to be free and to encourage freedom in others, if they so desire.
All of humanity is really one person. What happens to others, affects us. There’s no way out, but up.
Let’s all rise to the beautiful challenges of our age, and rise to our true mysterious luminosity.
~Ben Okri
Believe in the fundamental equality of humanity. Link hands with your brothers and sisters across the globe. Link hands with the poor and the disadvantaged and the rich. Don’t look down at anyone and don’t look up at anyone either. You are not better than the poor, nor inferior to the rich. The heritage of the earth is for all of us. Make this world one world, its riches and possibilities available to all.
Do not think for one moment that you are small, that you are powerless, that you have nothing to give, or that you are alone. I have not met a powerless person. You are only small and powerless if you think only of yourself, if you are selfish. The moment you think of humanity, of service to humanity, then you become powerful.
The heart is bigger than the earth. There are few things more noble in this life than serving humanity. If you ever suffer from crises of confidence, from doubt, from fear, from suicidal impulses, from loneliness, from existential despair, that is often because you are living only for yourself, your career, your dreams, your ego, your race, your family, clan or class. But the moment you think of humanity, all humanity, then your own problems become smaller, and then disappear.
We are here on earth to serve humanity, to take the human possibility forward, to create a better world. We are here to grow, to learn, to share our light, our gifts, our love.
There are people who are prepared to die for their limited racial and religious causes. They are a negative inspiration. You should be prepared to be the most wonderful person you are capable of being, and for the best causes, which are the enrichment of humanity, the promotion of equal rights for all, the provision of education, food and good life for the poor and wretched of the earth. This is a greater way to live than even laying down your life for your brother, sister, or your country.
Use all the intelligence, passion, fun, joy, and the blessings of your life to help make the life of all humanity sweeter, and you will not have to worry unduly about the state of your soul or about the meaning of life. If you do this alone, especially in this part of your life when you are young and free, if you give what’s good in you to raising higher the human story as best you can, then your life will be justified, and you will have transcended failure or success.
Open your hearts and minds to the beauties and possibilities of being human. Do not see people’s colour first. Do not see people in their material conditions first. We don’t know who or what a human being really is. Believe me, we are each one a great mystery. The person who dwells in great misery, in the gutter, alone, may well be an angel. The way you judge others––a person or a continent––judges you. And this judgement will bring you either the good or the evil you deserve.
So go out into the world. Transcend all the bullshit that your education, your history, your culture, your class has passed onto you. Learn for yourselves. Find out for yourselves. Question everything. Question the certainties fed you by your mothers and fathers and the great authority figures of your land and your age. Be always a question mark. Seek to know for yourself, so that you may grasp the deeper truths of life with a strong mind. Give of your soul. Feel the life and the suffering and the joys of the world. Feel! Don’t be afraid to feel, or to love, or to fail. So long as you are doing the little best you can to make this ruined world better, you are making good use of the miraculous reality that is your life.
For the rest, have fun. Laugh. Lighten up. Don’t be too serious. Play. Be inspired. Be your true self without being mean to others. And, by God, learn the wonderful art of happiness… How can we enjoy the happiness and growth of others, if we are not happy ourselves? It was Novalis who said: ‘I am you’ – in another form.
Let life inspire you, and teach you always how to be free and to encourage freedom in others, if they so desire.
All of humanity is really one person. What happens to others, affects us. There’s no way out, but up.
Let’s all rise to the beautiful challenges of our age, and rise to our true mysterious luminosity.
~Ben Okri
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Not all who wander are lost.....
Not all who wander are lost….. This is probably one of my
favourite sayings by an amazing writer, an author of one of the greatest tales
ever known to man ‘The Lord of The Rings’ by JRR Tolkien. It has been a phrase
to keep solidarity within me in moments of my life where I have compared my
free spirit to the homebound soul, the comfortable housewife or the dedicated
career person. At times in life I have stood next to these ‘pillar people’ and
felt inferior. Why could I not settle into a career straight out of school,
finish university or marry my high school sweet heart? Because I wander about
I see so many loved ones in my life, like me, thinking they
are lost because they cannot ‘settle’, their view is that they need to find a
‘life path’ or a ‘definition of self’ to justify their existence and that
somehow it will make them happy….a view point I cannot judge as it is one that
I come face to face with over and over in life. But bringing myself to the
centre of my heart and realising that maybe….just maybe I AM living my dream by
simply being a good friend, a dedicated mother and a committed free
spirit….maybe my existence is justified in that alone.
Seeking personal
definition within another person….or a career or a university degree is not a
necessity…..who you are is here….now…. in those blank moments of day dream in
the afternoon sun, or the goose-bumps of awe you feel when listening to your
favourite music, that moment of sleepy clarity that comes in the limbo between
awake and asleep….there YOU are…..nothing more and nothing less and why do you
need anything more to be happy?
Now this does not suggest you should sit back and do nothing
with life - to seek is to stay in touch with the magick in life, to seek is to
find beauty, to seek is to discover adventure…..and that is blessed….. and I
think sometimes – especially for people like me – to seek leads me to unveil
that place of solace within that comes from wandering – I am not lost…..I am
not inferior….. I am a gypsy soul in search of the magick in this universe that
lights my soul day after day after day. And so life brings me experience after
experience to show me mirrors of myself and time after time I have been freed
by the experience of life and the way that it has shown me who I am and how
beautiful the colours of my heart do meld into the colours of the universe
around me…..I have learnt to love
everyone and everything with the experience of adventure as the wisdom in my
Do not define yourself by anything other than your own heart
and soul, your job does not make you a better person – your open heart does,
the amount of money in your bank account does not make you rich-your spirit
does, your relationship does not make you stable-your connection to the world around
you does…..You are what is within…..and the rest is just the costume you wear
to the party. So enjoy the show, dance and be merry in your capes and masks but
know that the realness of your humanness is within the veils of what you put to
the world and it is as beautiful as you wish it to be.
To star gaze…..
To dream….
To sing with my eyes closed and let my voice raise my skin
in tingles of light and love….
To wander….and never be lost for I know that I am always
where I belong…….within the colours of my own heart…..
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The 6 Nyoongar Seasons
![]() |
Nyoongar Boodja |
A big part of taking care of the planet lies within caring
for each other, understanding and respecting people of different cultures,
sharing our knowledge of taking care of the planet and most of all creating a
community vibe within our society; as we have since the beginning of our existence
as humans. Love one another to love the planet - SIMPLE! J
Our tribal history as human beings is varce; every country
has a tribal history. What is yours? And what is the tribal history of the land
you live on? How are they similar? How do they differ? For me, my bloodline
runs back to Wales and the ancient Celts that studied the stars and seasons,
planted crops by the moon, built megalithic structures to their deities and
celebrated harvests and nature with costumes, stories and fire. Stocks and food
were shared, families were united for support and protection and best of all –
the earth was happier.
But I was born in Australia. My father was once told by an
Aboriginal Elder that ‘the spirit of the land doesn’t see colour, you will feel
the land you were born upon sing to you no matter who your father is…’ and I
can swear this by my soul. Despite my fascination with my Welsh/Celtic heritage
my heart lies fondly within the knowledge, the stories and the song of
Aboriginal Culture and the Tribal History of Australia.
Tribal history is something that I think we can all learn
from. In a world where we have become mass consumers – is there not something
to be learned from our ancestors that barely left a footprint on our blessed
home? The people who lived for centuries, in harmony with nature, knowing the
planet, its plants and animals, this knowledge lovingly passed down through the
generations and without it there was no survival… and maybe in our world today
where we seem to have lost touch with our roots and each other there is some
peace to be found by turning back to our lineages for guidance.
It is said that Aboriginal people have existed on this land
for 60,000 years and I feel it is here that I should note the last ice age was 20,000
years ago and lasted 5,000 years. This super race of human beings lived in such
harmony with the land that they survived where most men would perish and their
culture stands strong today despite many trials and challenges…..and this we
In my local area of South Western Australia the predominant
tribe is the ‘Nyoongar’ tribe, within it there are 14 tribes; the closest one
to home for us here in Perth is the Swan River (Derbal Yaragan) dwelling people
called the ‘Whadjuk’ tribe.
In this beautiful and picturesque region of Australia there
are actually 6 seasons in a year!
Bunuru – February to March – This is a time when it is hot,
with dry, easterly and north winds. The people would catch fish, marron and
other water dwelling wildlife for food. They would collect fruit and dig up
bulbs to grind for spices.
Djeran – April to May – This is a time when it cools down
and the winds come in from the south west. The people would continue to fish
and begin to gather bulbs and seeds for winter.
Makuru – June to July – This is when seasons turn cold and westerly
gales hit! The Nyoongar people would move inland to hunt and warm them by fire
and build Miya Miya’s as shelter from the rain and wind. This is actually the
wettest part of the year in Nyoongar Region.
Djilba – August to September – This is known as the coldest
time of the year, the nights are cold but clear and starting to warm as the
days creep on. People would continue to gather roots and plants, Emu and
Kangaroo was on the menu for our tribes of the great South West.
Kambarang – October to November – By now the rain begins to
lessen, fewer cold fronts meant that Nyoongar people would gather their
children and head back towards the coast for fishing season. This is also the
height of wildflower season here – which meant one beautiful thing – NATIVE
Birak – December to January – The heat of summer has
begun!!! This is when the people would do controlled burn offs of the local
bush land to assist hunters in catching some dinner and aid plants in regeneration
for the coming months.
With the knowledge of the seasons and the way the people of
this land lived and survived for thousands of years I thought to utilise the
knowledge to affect my impact on the planet. Knowing the seasons I can plant my veggie patch and flowers when
I know there will be rain, I can open my windows when I know the cooler breezes
will be blowing and I know from which direction they will be coming. I plant
native floras to the Nyoongar country – these plants know how to survive
without me fronting a hefty water bill and they become a food source for the
native birds and animals that have lived here since the beginning!
And last….most importantly and most lovingly from the heart
of the Earth Fae – I CELEBRATE our
ancient Australian culture with love and respect. No matter where you are from
or where you are going – the place you call home has a tribal history full of
knowledge and song, story and magick, and within it you may just find a glimmer
of something that you have been searching for all along.
We must all work together to take care of our home as best
we can, in the ancient wisdom of Aboriginal Culture I have found ways to live
in harmony with the planet I love so deeply and show love to a country that
sings the song of my soul…..this wondrous culture is part of our varce and very
diverse multicultural society here on Earth. It is a gift to have this
knowledge and a blessing that it has survived to be shared with all. Find your
tribal self….and enjoy it! <3
<3 <3 Tribal Earth Faerie <3 <3
Saturday, June 23, 2012
......did I mention love.....?
Hahhhhhhhhh love…….the inspiration of the greatest songs
known to man, the muse of the poets, the demise of warriors and the poison in
power, it is what the world is full of….yet very much what it also lacks. It is
both, harsh and kind, painful and beautiful, it can take you to the heights of
skies beyond our knowing and then throw you to the depths of the deepest ocean
and leave you to drown…….or can it?
I have a belief that there are two things in life that are
the basis behind everything we do…. one is love and the other is fear…… love is
the potion that takes you to the heights, makes you see the beauty, inspires,
creates and flows with the tides of life……..fear is the poison that is harsh,
painful, steals your thunder and leaves you broken and stuck within a cage
where you wander alone…..
As with all things in nature life must be taken with both
the good and the bad – fear is an instinct instilled within our DNA since the
days of the cavemen, it is our means of survival, without it we would not have
survived the ages, hunted, gathered and lived through stone ages and iron ages
to be in the world we are in now… has been a root of our survival. But now
in a world of security screens and high tech house alarms, laws, rules and
fancy food packaging….I think our caveman instincts now run wild within us and we
seek new things to fear. We fear such unreasonable things about life as a
Like love – so many people I have met in my life say that
they fear ‘love’ and it got me thinking weather it is love that they actually
fear. In relationships when pain arises every time without fail the root of the
issue is not ‘love’, love is the part that see’s you holding hands, laughing
together, smiling and sharing, dancing and flying free….but fear is that part
that see’s you blaming, and angry, building walls and running away. Every time
there is pain within love it is fear that has been the cause of anguish. So to
get more to the root of the issue, it is the fear that we fear….and in the laws
of the universe to fight fire with fire it only creates more fire. To
counteract our fears we need to defend with the one thing that combats fear
wholly and completely – with LOVE.
Don’t fear love…….Love ‘love’ – to do so makes it grow and
grow and grow within your life and onwards. There is a beautiful saying I once
read that says ‘love like you have never been hurt’ - too many of us focus solely on ‘relationship
love’ and not enough on the zillions of other ways that there are to give and
receive love in this life. The opportunities are there – EVERYWHERE!!!! You
just need to take the step to be a part of it! Show love to the earth; plant
vegetables and reduce your household wastage. Show love to your neighbours;
pass homemade cupcakes over the fence and have neighbourhood bbq’s. Show love
to your family; be affectionate and reminisce of old times that make you smile.
Show love to yourself; take yourself on a sunset walk on the beach and treat
yourself to a coconut once in a while…. J
A life of love is readily embraced once you realise that
love is not something to be feared, your kryptonite for fear is only to love
even more and the hero of the day that see’s it all ending with flashes of
light, rounds of applause and happy endings is YOU and your precious loving
heart, having the courage to LOVE love…..and did I mention LOVE <3 <3
<3 <3 J
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The spirit of this land doesn't see colour...........
I have been receiving emails and shows of support from all
over the country in regards to my article about the healing journey I was
blessed to be part of at Nowanup last year. People sharing wonderful stories of
their connection to Aboriginal Culture here in Australia, the unity it has
brought to them to be a part of its magick and to stand in this culture as
their own.
In my education of Aboriginal culture I learned so much about European invasion that I wanted to skin myself for my colour, I hated myself for the burden of what my ancestors had done to Aboriginal people and I can see so many of my Wadjela brothers and sisters wearing that same shame and turning from Aboriginal Culture in agony because the responsibility and the deep regret of our predecessors is just too much to bare – and as a result we become ‘the lost ones’ we lose our connection to the culture of this land and as a result we turn away from our connection to the blessed Boodja we are born on and we lose out on learning about what really matters here……The celebration of the oldest and most amazing culture in the history of life on this planet. A culture that should be loved and protected by all Australians.
I have watched a great and well respected family friend of mine pull a crowd of 200 people with just the sound of his didgeridoo. Uncle James T Webb, the leader of the Wadumbah Indigenous Dance Group and one of Australia’s great Aboriginal people that shares his culture to all with such pride. He brings in ‘the lost ones’ ….the people that had no idea what they were missing until they sat down before the magickal performance of Aboriginal dance, they learn the stories, language and culture from these amazing dancers and within the journey they find a part of themselves that may have been hidden under the shame of their ancestors… I once did- they fly home filled with pride to finally feel that sense of BELONGING… an Australian, Aboriginal culture and history is YOUR culture and history. As much as there is a dark history for us to learn from I think the most important part of healing ourselves and the land comes from the balance of accepting the dark past and looking to the bright future.
It has really made me think about the energetics of what the
Nyoongar people here in the South West call ‘Boodja’… the Western tongue
Boodja means ‘land’…but in a deeper sense to the Nyoongar people it means ‘Mother
Earth’ ….. There is a sense of life in the word Boodja. Almost like the concept
of ‘a house’ as appose to ‘a home’ the latter is filled with love, with meaning
and has a certain element of something sacred about it. Boodja….is home. Boodja
is a thing that you love that has the ability to love you back and heal you
when you feel lost…..Boodja is a living thing.
With that said and with the knowledge of the stories shared and my own personal experiences, I have to question if Boodja really see’s the colour or nationality of a person when they come into this world. Be you from an Aboriginal heritage or not, if you are born on to this Boodja, and raised around its animals, and trees, you have laid under its stars and wondered, or swam in its salt waters and sighed to the horizon….are we not all family upon the earth we dwell?....connected by this living thing that lives and breathes us all……
With that said and with the knowledge of the stories shared and my own personal experiences, I have to question if Boodja really see’s the colour or nationality of a person when they come into this world. Be you from an Aboriginal heritage or not, if you are born on to this Boodja, and raised around its animals, and trees, you have laid under its stars and wondered, or swam in its salt waters and sighed to the horizon….are we not all family upon the earth we dwell?....connected by this living thing that lives and breathes us all……
In my education of Aboriginal culture I learned so much about European invasion that I wanted to skin myself for my colour, I hated myself for the burden of what my ancestors had done to Aboriginal people and I can see so many of my Wadjela brothers and sisters wearing that same shame and turning from Aboriginal Culture in agony because the responsibility and the deep regret of our predecessors is just too much to bare – and as a result we become ‘the lost ones’ we lose our connection to the culture of this land and as a result we turn away from our connection to the blessed Boodja we are born on and we lose out on learning about what really matters here……The celebration of the oldest and most amazing culture in the history of life on this planet. A culture that should be loved and protected by all Australians.
I have watched a great and well respected family friend of mine pull a crowd of 200 people with just the sound of his didgeridoo. Uncle James T Webb, the leader of the Wadumbah Indigenous Dance Group and one of Australia’s great Aboriginal people that shares his culture to all with such pride. He brings in ‘the lost ones’ ….the people that had no idea what they were missing until they sat down before the magickal performance of Aboriginal dance, they learn the stories, language and culture from these amazing dancers and within the journey they find a part of themselves that may have been hidden under the shame of their ancestors… I once did- they fly home filled with pride to finally feel that sense of BELONGING… an Australian, Aboriginal culture and history is YOUR culture and history. As much as there is a dark history for us to learn from I think the most important part of healing ourselves and the land comes from the balance of accepting the dark past and looking to the bright future.
You do not need permission to celebrate the greatness of
Aboriginal Culture – but when a man like James Webb comes long and unknowingly
gives that permission to people by openly sharing his passion with his shows it
certainly helps the lost ones to begin the journey into culture and learn to
connect to Boodja again, to lift the shame of what has happened and to grant
the freedom to bask in what IS happening now and to show promise of what we can
behold in the future of this country! To immerse yourself in the hundreds of
thousands of ways to educate yourself on Aboriginal Australia – get out there
and seek…..CELEBRATE…..LOVE…’s our home…..our people…..our family…….our
Boodja…..<3 <3
Welcome home........
Saturday, June 9, 2012
So many times I have found myself standing on the edge of life and afraid to take the plunge......'it gets dark down there' my thoughts will say...... and I will turn and walk away from the cliff face and revert back to what is safe.....what is known. But only too soon do I find my feet itching for adventure, my soul yearning for the freedom of flight and I am back pacing the edge of life again pondering the pros and con's of what it means for me to just take a run up and fling myself into a massive leap of faith.....
One thing that finally helped to me take that leap into the unknown came in the form of an Aboriginal Elder by the name of Eugene Eades. Like in the movie 'Peter Pan' - with the magick pixie dust and happy thoughts the secret concoction for that all special 'magickal power to fly' Uncle Eugene gave me the secret weapon to dive into life without fear.....the magick pixie dust being my immense connection to Mother Earth and the 'happy thoughts' being my unshakable faith that she is always there for me. That I am loved and supported unconditionally and all the while I am following my heart even what appears wrong - can actually be so right.
Nature in itself is both harsh and gentle, cruel and is the lives that we live, but how unaccepting as humans we have become of what is negative in life. We love the flowers, but we hate the rain that waters them......We love the summer, but we curse the heat........We welcome happiness but do anything that is humanly possible to avoid being hurt....We love what is good and shun all things bad.....Forgetting that sometimes it is the immense pain that takes us into a depth of darkness and emotional agony - that actually gives us that yearning to look up at the stars and dream of something wonderful.......sometimes it is the anger that feeds the fire that makes us take action.....sometimes it is the tears of absolute misery that make us realise it is our time to leave and move on to better things in life.....and sometimes when every breathe hurts your aching body do you find yourself laying in complete surrender, walls broken down, nothing making sense, life has fallen apart.....there in the destruction do you find the tiny seed, the one you have overlooked for so long....there in the rubble; and it gives you the power to start again.
Below is an article I wrote that was recently published in a Holistic Magazine here in Australia, my journey to Nyoongar Boodja and the complete 180 that my life took in the months after this amazing experience has me swimming through a life of such happiness. But first I had to accept life as I accept nature, both painful and wonderful, both beautiful and scary.......knowing all the while the balance of nature (and the balance of accepting all things in life) is the one thing that everybody needs to not just survive in life....but to LIVE.
One thing that finally helped to me take that leap into the unknown came in the form of an Aboriginal Elder by the name of Eugene Eades. Like in the movie 'Peter Pan' - with the magick pixie dust and happy thoughts the secret concoction for that all special 'magickal power to fly' Uncle Eugene gave me the secret weapon to dive into life without fear.....the magick pixie dust being my immense connection to Mother Earth and the 'happy thoughts' being my unshakable faith that she is always there for me. That I am loved and supported unconditionally and all the while I am following my heart even what appears wrong - can actually be so right.
Nature in itself is both harsh and gentle, cruel and is the lives that we live, but how unaccepting as humans we have become of what is negative in life. We love the flowers, but we hate the rain that waters them......We love the summer, but we curse the heat........We welcome happiness but do anything that is humanly possible to avoid being hurt....We love what is good and shun all things bad.....Forgetting that sometimes it is the immense pain that takes us into a depth of darkness and emotional agony - that actually gives us that yearning to look up at the stars and dream of something wonderful.......sometimes it is the anger that feeds the fire that makes us take action.....sometimes it is the tears of absolute misery that make us realise it is our time to leave and move on to better things in life.....and sometimes when every breathe hurts your aching body do you find yourself laying in complete surrender, walls broken down, nothing making sense, life has fallen apart.....there in the destruction do you find the tiny seed, the one you have overlooked for so long....there in the rubble; and it gives you the power to start again.
Below is an article I wrote that was recently published in a Holistic Magazine here in Australia, my journey to Nyoongar Boodja and the complete 180 that my life took in the months after this amazing experience has me swimming through a life of such happiness. But first I had to accept life as I accept nature, both painful and wonderful, both beautiful and scary.......knowing all the while the balance of nature (and the balance of accepting all things in life) is the one thing that everybody needs to not just survive in life....but to LIVE.
Let the hunt begin......
It is dark……the wind tickles your skin with its cool caress and your senses prickle with the anticipation of why you are standing in this ancient place. It is quiet……you feel part of this sacred clearing in the bushland, surrounded by ghostly white gum trees and stones the colour of tigers eyes….the dirt red…..earthy……blessed.
Then you hear the drum….
“ba-boom…ba-boom….ba-boom….ba-boom”. Like the heartbeat of a dragon it curls up
from the earth…. “ba-boom….ba-boom…” it fills your ears with wonder.
The wind blows stronger now and you waver on your feet, as if to stumble but
you do not move… look down and see from your feet have sprung roots that
pierce our mothers skin…holding you steady, filling you with love as each
dragon heart beat flows up through your body. Deep into the depths of her heart
these roots bond you to mother earths love…… “ba-boom….ba-boom….ba-boom” ……and
the wind is her breath…..
To your left you hear the slow rumbling purr of something
wild and dark. Fear begins to grip you but the slow steady heartbeat growing
through you from the heart of our mother gives you the strength to
surrender….to trust. From the dense ancient bushland on the side of the
clearing slinks a black panther. She is ‘Spirit’….your totem animal, she snarls
as she confronts you……initiating you with her stare….are you brave enough to
behold her? She quickens her step and begins to run towards you and your breath
catches as you stand rooted to the floor……in perfect trust but pulsating with
instinct to fear this wild creature……
Suddenly the earth nearby cracks and the soil begins to
turn as spirit begins to run at you. You stand…..strong……let your fear not waver
your resilient heart… “ba-boom….ba-boom….ba-boom” our mothers heart continues
to beat for you from the depths of the ancient world below.
Spirit stops short, her next step is a breath away from
the cracked earth, the turning soil and as her padded foot touches the broken
skin of the fertile ground a woman springs from the dirt. She flies from the
ground with fire in her eyes and lands astride the panther seeing you – seeing
through you. Her wings are large and bright, the colour of blood in the sunset,
her body is small and earthen, shimmering with magick, her skin is painted by
the ancient ones to tell the story of how she came to be here… with you
standing rooted to the ground of the clearing.
As Spirit slowly reaches you, she stops fast and the Earthen Faerie stands up on the shoulders of her Panther love….she stares you in the eye, a deep “hisssssssssss” escaping her lips upon her cool and ancient breath…..she is wild…….she is wary…..she is wise…..but beneath it all you feel her love for you just as you are…..a being of this world.
She shares with you visions…..
Deep within her cool stare you see her pain, you feel a
knowing, a familiarity as she continues to fill your senses with her
stories……she knows you……because SHE IS YOU………
“Shadow dancer….” She whispers, before looking upwards,
she breaks her wild demeanour for but a second and smiles at you lovingly
before raising her arms to the heavens above and flying off into the black
You look down, spirit still stands before you, strong and
wise….and you feel protected by her….she wishes to take you….to show you the
hunt, to open your heart to the dance of shadow and the clarity that it will
bring you to be free of all your deepest fears….to create your own ancient story
with an ending that sees you wiser….stronger……and experiencing more love than
you ever thought you could behold. You
do not want to leave this place, of mothers breath and loving heartbeat, but
you know that this is a place within you that will remain lit like a candle…..a
beacon of hope to return to in moments of solace……your sacred place, and so you
step….one foot in front of the other and follow Spirit into the dark dense
bushland…….to dance with shadow…….to seek… find……..and to love……….let the
hunt begin……….
Copyright 2012.
"The Way Of The Earth Fae"
Coming soon to a store near you.......
Copyright 2012.
"The Way Of The Earth Fae"
Coming soon to a store near you.......
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